1st Marriage Recipe – Choose the appropriate time

Ladies, first recipe for this week – choose the appropriate time, keeping in mind children, parents, dogs, cats etc.  When I had planned a passionate encounter with my beloved, it ended with an extremely disgruntled cat, that was flung, (instinctively, as a result of immense pain) across the room!  He decided that his father’s fascinating movement and rear end in the air needed all ten claws stuck into it!

Let me know if your romantic evening is successful or as in my case….@!@!

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Although I am from Africa I now reside in the U.K. with my family. I started my career as a teacher and have taught children in Primary and Secondary schools. I had a business, teaching computer skills to students of all ages. My company gave me invaluable experience in dealing with a diverse range of cultures. Our entire aim was that we taught our pupils the necessary skills and literacy but that they had fun learning!

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