‘Appreciate, love but when necessary let go but still love!’

‘Appreciate, love but when necessary let go but still love!’

My title explains a little about what I needed to experience to let go of an amazing church and allow ourselves to experience another.  With all stages in life, there are times we need to break a tie or bond – when our children grow up they need to connect with their future marriage partner and form that soul-tie with them and leave their parents to cleave with their partners.

Life is much the same – at times we have to let go and move on to the next stage of life, the next exciting event God has planned for us and form new bonds and friendships.

I have attached a piece I wrote for our church that includes a small part of my testimony and why it was so difficult to move on into the next stage.  Even though the experience forcing me to break the tie was awful, it was essential so that I could embrace whatever God has got planned for me!

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Although I am from Africa I now reside in the U.K. with my family. I started my career as a teacher and have taught children in Primary and Secondary schools. I had a business, teaching computer skills to students of all ages. My company gave me invaluable experience in dealing with a diverse range of cultures. Our entire aim was that we taught our pupils the necessary skills and literacy but that they had fun learning!

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