I thought I would open with one of ‘my many…
Do you meander through life using one hand or do you grab it with two?
I was thinking of the story of the little girl who commented that her mother played the piano much better than her teacher. When asked why she replied that her mother only had to use one hand whereas her teacher had to use both!
What does life mean to you? Do you value each breathe, each minute, each day or do you wish your life away like most of us. I believe that often, tragically, only when we reach our twilight years do we grasp at life with both hands and learn to appreciate each new dawn, value each day. A quote by Ernest Dowson, a 19th century poet seems appropriate: ‘They are not long, the days of wine and roses’.
Here are some other quotes that makes one think about the value of each precious day we are given on Earth.
Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.
Thomas L. Holdcroft
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
Live life to the fullest, both hands and both feet too. After all, who if you were to swim using only one arm you would go round in circles. Into the brink I go…..full throttle..
I’m appreciating my husband and children much more. so frightening to think it can all be over in seconds, grabbing life now with both hands! Thanks!!!!!!!
Interesting! Rethinking my life and going to appreciate it more!
Sarah, Aukland
Thought provoking Mary-Annexx