‘Minnie Mouse exclusive!’

Hi guys

Carmen Crooks - Minnie MouseNao was right – am really terrible at keeping up with the blog – all started out okay but been so busy with studying for end of year exams! In Africa our school year runs from Jan – Dec. I start writing tomorrow so thought I’d better blog now! In two weeks we’re home again in Imanga – can’t wait! Sam will spend Christmas with us as will Philemon and Jojo. Sixpence will also be there – most of you will not have been introduced to Sixpence yet as he was in our second awful adventure but once you’ve read the book ‘Kill me please Sir’ you’ll know more about him – he is such an incredible and brave little ‘man’!

Carmen and Jayde Crooks

Courtney and I at the party

This past weekend I spent it with my cousin Courtney – everyone thinks we look like sisters or twins – Nao didn’t come as she went with friends to visit ‘the mad cat lady’ (actually it is a man that is cat crazy!) on his game-farm. I’ll put photo’s up soon of that.

Courtney and I went to a fancy dress – we had a ball! She’s so much fun but we did miss Nao!

I am an author of Y/A books. My latest 'Dear George' is about a seventeen girl with high morals that finds out she has cancer just before her prom. She compromises her values and after her first chemo and almost losing her life to a femoral bleed, she finds out she is pregnant - what will she choose? Her life or the baby's?

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